A Wedding in winter what a thought! As I write this article its just turning to fall and the wind is howling and the rain is battering. Not weather you would even consider weddingy!
Dont think of howling winds though Cheap Shaquille O'Neal Shirt , imagine snow covered mountain peaks rising majestically from fir tree covered foot hills! Close your eyes and breathe in the crisp, pine scented air. That is what a winter wedding is all about!
With the ski lodge in the distance with its welcoming real log fire, the winter sun sparkling off the crisp white snow and the sky as blue as can be you can be assured of a day of fairytale proportions.
When it come to your color scheme think red and green. Not Santa suit and holly leaves but rich burgundy or plum and a forest green that the pine trees would be proud of. Think fur hats and mufflers with black boots and long coats. Think traditional and old fashioned.
If you decide that traditional you are not, there are still options for a winter wedding. For a winter wedding of cosmic proportions think silvery blue and brilliant white Cheap Steve Nash Shirt , think glam and glitz, think modern and funky.
Whatever your choice I have to admit the draw of a winter wedding is strong. Should a snow storm occur at a most in-opportune moment then a fire side wedding ceremony must be one of the most romantic.
If the evening weather suits why not set out a bonfire and take your wedding outside, at least for part of the time. There can develop a great sense of camaraderie around a campfire, a la any camping trip you have ever been on! A sing song may even be called for!
There are many choices to be made on the run up to your wedding day and the choice of time of year is just one of them. Each season has its own attractions to offer and winter is no different. If you decide on a winter wedding enjoy and have fun Cheap Leandro Barbosa Shirt , bring out the seasons special qualities and it wont let you down.
Currently, figures say that there are 1164 call center and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) companies spread over 24 key locations around the country. This translates into a strong workforce of over 600,000, half of which belongs to the call center industry. In 2010 alone Cheap Dan Majerle Shirt , call centers in the Philippines posted revenue of more than $6 billion. By 2015, the BPO industry would have made a staggering $15 billion worth of revenue and increased its workforce to 1.3 million.
BPO companies around the world give the Philippines an edge over other competitors are of the following reasons:
Cheap operational and labor costs are one of the key reasons why BPO companies choose to invest in the Philippines as supposed to other countries such as India. BPO companies are given tax incentives, development assistance and many other benefits such as permanent resident status if they choose to invest their respective companies here in the Philippines. The Philippines is also home to a wide range of skilled workers, ready to cater the BPO industry. Taking up English in grade school until college Cheap Kevin Johnson Shirt , Filipinos have become proficient speakers. This is ideal for BPO companies as Filipinos could send messages with the so-called American accent, which the callers are accustomed to and thus would give them a great experience. English speakers are steadily improving with world-class training and seminars to keep them at par with other BPO agents all over the world. Labor wise, when compared to Indian BPO Practitioners, Filipino agents get half as much as their Indian counterparts Cheap Penny Hardaway Shirt , which translates to a huge savings for the BPO companies.
Second, the Philippines is heavily influenced by the west, stemming from the years Philippines had been a colony of America. We learned to like any “stateside” and it wouldn’t be problem building relationship with the callers coming from the states as Filipinos are not foreign to customs and beliefs, and would easily get along with them. Fresh university graduates and even undergraduates used to have difficulties in entering the job market due to lack of work experience. BPO companies place less emphasis on this along with scholastic standing and focus more on the skills necessary for the positions offered.
Filipinos regard education as a necessity. It is no surprise that 93.4% of the population is literate. As of March 2009 Cheap T.J. Warren Shirt , approximately 20 million Filipinos (22% ) are online. It is expected that the number will increase by 10% every year. These statistics make it easy for BPO companies in finding computer savvy employees who are right for the job. There’s an increase efficiency for tasks that require expertise.
A leading online measurement service has declared that Filipinos are the most engaged in social networking online. This means that Filipino workers are very much adept at the inner workings of social media sites, which is useful for online marketing.
The Philippines is the third largest English-speaking country in the world.
A lot of Filipinos can understand American movies and TV shows even without subtitles. This gives them an edge over their overseas counterparts when it comes to customer support services.
The time zone of the Philippines poses as an advantage to a lot of American andor Western companies. If it’s night in the USA, it’s day in the Philippines. This means you can get a lot of things done by your hired agent while you’re asleep!
I’ve been doing Business management in the Philippines for more than 8 years.
Outsourcing to the Philippines is one of the best decisions you can make.
Social Media, IT Software development Cheap Devin Booker Shirt , Back office services to name a few of the services that you can outsource to the Philippines.